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Wasp and Hornets on Your South Jersey Property ?

Are conditions at your home just right to attract wasps or hornets?Wasps like all living creatures require water to survive, so if there is a water source such as a pond, pool or bird bath on your property chances are you will see wasps during the warmer months. As water evaporates wasps and hornets sense the moisture in the air. They will sometimes travel up to a mile to reach a water source once they find it. Wood is also a big attraction to wasps and hornets. Decks, picnic tables and patio furniture all release a scent into the air that wasps are able to detect. Paper wasps and bald-faced hornets use wood as nesting material. Once a source of wood is discovered wasps will return to it year after year. In the fall wasps will look for a place to hibernate. Facia boards, shutters roof lines and all types of siding provide ideal hibernation spots for wasps and hornets. It is not unusual for a nest of hibernating wasps to work its way into an attic during the winter months. From there they may enter the home by boring a hole through the floor of the attic into a room below. If this happens in your home do not attempt to handle the situation on your own. Seal off the entry way and call Cato Termite and Pest control immediately.
If your home or property contains a number of the risk factors for attracting wasps or if you have noticed a recurring problem with wasps and hornets, there are things that can be done. It is important however to handle the problem properly since wasps and hornets are easily agitated and can become very aggressive as a result. Hornets and wasps will sting when irritated and they can sting repeatedly. Bees have barbed stingers which will separate from the bee as it tries to fly away after stinging its victim. Wasps however have a smooth stinger which allows them to sting repeatedly. Wasp and hornet stings can be very painful. They can also become red and swollen and may itch.
 If the victim of a wasp or hornet attack happens to be allergic, the results can be very serious. Trouble breathing, nausea dizziness fever and fainting can all result from an allergic reaction to wasp, bees or hornet venom. If these symptoms are recognized following an attack by hornets, bees or wasps seek immediate medical attention. The best way to prevent a hornet or wasp attack is to steer clear of them and seek professional assistance to rid your home or property of a wasp infestation. If there is a wasp nest on your property Cato technicians can assess the situation to determine the best plan of action in order to achieve complete eradication of the wasps nest. An unsuccessful attempt to destroy a wasp nest can put a novice in harms way. A wasp colony whose nest has been partially destroyed will become aggressive and will remain so for a number of days. If reaching the nest requires climbing a ladder, walking onto a roof or scaling a tree, the novice has put himself in an extremely vulnerable position. It is essential for him to achieve complete success in order to avoid an extremely dangerous situation. Cato technicians are trained in considering all of the variables that exist in any given situation. The size, location and type of insect as well as the time of day and conditions on the property must all be considered when determining the method most likely to result in successful eradication of a hornet population. Eliminate the risk of injury to you and your loved ones by calling a trained Cato technician to handle your wasp or hornet problem safely and thoroughly the first time. 856 786 8008

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hornet nest removal south jersey
wasp exterminator south jersey
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